I know that eventually with the later, more complex games, Nintendo began to use custom chips that don't match up with off the shelf EPROMs, and hence need wired cross connections. I have pre-existing knowledge of NES boards and soldering skills to remove the mask roms in place. I primarily use a imac, but do have an older circa 2004 PC with XP if needbe. So what I would like to know is if someone might be able to recommend a modern, USB EPROM burner well suited for the task of making NES reproductions. Researching on my own lead me to realize 8-bit EPROMs are measured in Megabits, which are divisible by 8, so I came up with this chart. In preparation do getting into that I have purchased several dozen EPROMs, mostly UV Erasable ones but also a handful of flash ones as well. I realize that I'll be learning high level programming in languages such as C++, Java, VisualBasic, etc and probably not 6502 assembly, but I do nevertheless have the interest in learning assembly and more to the point of this thread, producing my own reproduction carts. This fall I will be going back to school to learn videogame programming.
For the tl dr crowd, my question is what ERPOM burner should I buy that would best be suited to making NES and Famicom reproductions?